A clique marketers nightmare.

This isn't a post about marketing or cliques; I'm not familiar with either. This is something about the rules that govern my purchases and why I make them. 

I watched a video of GaryV explaining how brands sell because they sell a specific class to customers who buy to be a part of that class. 

He went on to say that people buy products so that others can see them in a certain light and respect them, among other things. 

This I understand; I've taken a few marketing courses to understand why this is good for the brand, but I've also seen enough memes on Twitter to understand why it may be bad for the consumer.

P.S. I'm not saying that joining in a class is a bad thing; after all, we all invest in something for a reason. 

Personally, after considering my finances, I purchase items to bring me joy and to fulfill my fantasies. 

Some TikTok therapists say it's the trauma of imagining things when I was young and not being able to get them that fuels this, that is why I say my shopping spree is healthy. 

I always have an internal list of things I want/need, and when I see something that falls into this category and makes me happy to look at or imagine waking up to, I buy it.

I'm not going to lie and say I've never been in what people call bondage, but it's never been about purchasing. 

Why? I quickly cry. I call my sister and cry whenever I'm dissatisfied. 

I'm just saying that emotions, and people's perceptions of others, are fickle . We see it with cancel culture, Stan culture, and so on.

People would like you and quickly dislike you, just like a repetitive ad. Are these people worth the unnecessary financial dent you're about to make? 

If it makes you happy to think that people regard you favorably because you own certain items, go ahead and enjoy it.

Despite my limited knowledge, I don't believe people should enjoy having such power over you or your thoughts. 

People today advocate for mental health and curse unlucky victims into depression before the day is done. 

You, a beautiful champion, would put your fate in the hands of those shady, shaky, uncertain minds? You are deserving of better. 

This brings me to my title; you could market the best product in the world to me, but if it doesn't check all of my boxes, I won't be interested—peer pressure marketing dismisses me. 

I'm not advising anyone on what to do with their money because I'm not taking financial advice from anyone. 

But, before you pay for that product, consider whether you're doing it for yourself or for the sake of the eye you assume is in the room.


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