Conversation: You

Teach  me to talk, to say my hi's and bye's without feeling blue.
I'd like to be in a room full and talk about some life tunes.
Puff my pipe in the evening over some folktales with Friends.
Or not.

Here  is the thing, I sit with people but talk to myself
I hardly join in the conversations that involve moving my mouth
I'd rather talk to me in my head
The conversations are better like that
You don't have to worry about saying something wrong
Everything is right when said to you
Especially the beautiful demeaning comments you long to make
You can take no offense to You

I'd rather talk to You
But I start to stammer
Worry clogs my thoughts
My voice fails me
Fear takes my wheels
I start to sound unsure of the facts embedded within me

Talking to me makes me mad
Its very beautiful, maybe beauty is maddening
Maybe I don't know what beauty is
Here we are, you holding a conversation with me
Me holding a conversation with me


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