Social Anxiety or Pretense

Africans know not Social Anxiety
You were born to be a busy bee
Jumping around, walking with some unfound confidence
We have no knowledge of shyness
So, we have  no pity for the shy

No African should use their brain more than their mouth
The golden rule that keeps us sane
Inhaling, Sleeping, Breathing we interact with so much lies
We've found it difficult to recognise the truth
Not Everyone is the same
Not all attitudes is an act
Not being able to do all you do doesn't make someone mentally unstable
Not going to Church doesn't make a child yearning for distruction
No two sides are ever the same

Africans can't relate to feelings
So, everyone that feels is Alien

I have an idea, a better way to explain
Feelings are colours
See as the rainbow has its ROYGBI formation?
Vast are the things humans feel
It is never just black and white


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