Theories of Breathing

There is a fog in town
Might be from the dust of revolution
The chills of suppression
Smoke of the vibrant fire put out
Could be all that 

The fog has rendered vision blind
Mouth taped shut 
Feet frozen, sinking for lack of footing
Thing is breathing is difficult now
No one wants to take in the impure air
The nose is fragile to the chills

The Tribe of the forest feel weak
Fighting is starting to take its toll
On their minds
Most are stuck
Others suffocating

Are you fighters if you fall?
Are you Strong if you pretend?
I'm sorry, I sound like a broken recorder
Here's my theory on how to breathe
Sing with water from your eyes, crying is a weapon
Tape yourself to another, two fur  jackets makes the warmth better
Stay in your igloo, a couple of minutes tending to you would work great magic
Let the child in when you can, being grown is nice but letting the child roam is freedom

These might not work
But fighting is adapting 
Trying all you can
When you can
Doing the most
To breathe


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